
10.00am - 11.00am

WELLSPRING LADIES is a Bible Study/Prayer Group which meets every Tuesday morning during term time. All Ladies very welcome, feel free to come and have a ‘look’ at us. We are a mixed group of ages, backgrounds and denominations who want two things, deeper friendships and an authentic experience of Jesus in every day life. Contact Sylvia Hall 016977 42885 or Margaret Newrick 016977 47269.

10.00am – 12.00 noon.

 KNIT & NATTER in Longtown Community Centre. Knitting, Sewing, Crochet, Bead Craft. Come and learn a new skill.


10.30—11.00 am. REFLECTIVE SERVICE in the Methodist Church, Brampton. Speakers as below,

Mid-week worship during February.

Feb. 5th. Rev. Colin Harbach.  12th. Mrs Wendy Beard.  19th. Rev. David Newlove.                          26th. Rev Gilbert. & Mrs. Sylvia Hall

3.15 – 5.00 pm.    CRAFT CLUB for young people in Longtown Church Hall. School term time only.

3.30 - 5.30 pm.    MESSY CHURCH in Brampton Methodist Church Hall. Open to all ages. Last Wednesday of the month. Stories, Activities, Music, Worship, Crafts, Songs, Food & Fun. Term time.


10.30am—12.00 noon GILSLAND COFFEE BREAK in the Gilsland Chapel Meeting Room.

All are welcome.

Fridays  Brampton Community Food Larder.

The Brampton Foodbank complements the Brampton Community Food Larder, which is held at the Brampton Methodist Church each Friday morning. The Larder operates by collecting food from various Supermarkets that is surplus to their requirements and may have gone into Landfill. All you need to do is bring your bag, select the food you want and if possible, leave a donation. With these donations, we purchase Larder staples of tinned or dried food. This food is available for those needing a bit of help when their household budget just doesn’t quite stretch far enough. Brampton Community Food also provides emergency food. We are part of the Affordable food scheme, where food can be ordered on line or by phone via Affordable Food Hub Carlisle and this is delivered to the Brampton Methodist Church on a Friday for collection, £8 will give you £16 or more of food.                                          For all enquiries for the Food Larder:

Phone 07394546877     www.carlislecommunityhelp.co.uk

The two organisations are liaising to ensure they have separate, but compatible operations that support vulnerable people in our community.


Community Larder in Brampton Methodist Church every Friday 9.30 am. - 12.00.  Support Brampton Community Food and stop food waste. Coffee available in the hall. A warm space, open to all.


 If you are planning any kind of meeting or event on Church premises please would you contact  Linda first so that she can (a) check that the room is available, (b) put it in the Church Diary and  (c) organise any necessary heating. Contact Linda on 016977 3502.

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