METHODIST CHURCH BRAMPTON                                                                                                 in the

    NORTH CUMBRIA METHODIST                              CIRCUIT

Welcome to the web site of Borders Methodist Church, in Brampton, in the North Cumbria Methodist Circuit. The North Cumbria Circuit was formed in 2014 by the merger of the Brampton Methodist Circuit and the Carlisle Methodist Circuit. We are a community based church located in the centre of the market town. Our aim is to show God’s love for all - in our church life, our worship and witness. We work closely with the other churches in our town and local area through Brampton Churches and our local Mission Community. The Green Door Centre (opposite the church) is an ecumenical youth project working across all areas in Brampton.We are a family friendly church, dementia aware and with disabled access throughout.  If you are new to the area, on holiday, wanting to return to church or with questions why not join us?  

Minister: Rev. Tokunbo Asogbon              Tel: 016977 2452

Everyone is welcome to any of our services in our part of the North Cumbria Circuit (as  below). Please contact our Minister or a Steward for a chat and further details.

Sunday Services-


10.30am. Sunday Service

   Traditional and contemporary worship, for all ages, including a Crèche and Junior Church.

   Junior Church. Bible stories and activities for children and young people.


10.30am. Wednesday Morning Reflective Service


10.30am.  Sunday Service (1st. & 3rd. Sundays)

Longtown (in the Community Centre)

9.30am. Sunday Service  (Joint Service with Church of Scotland).


10.45am. Sunday Service.


11.00am. Sunday Service (1st Sunday of the month joint service with Church of England)

 *Times shown may vary for special Services, see Church Notice board for more details.

Cumbria Agricultural Chaplain link-


Link to God for All:

Link to the North Cumbria web site:

Home Plan The beginning pictures events Charities
Home Plan The beginning pictures events Charities

The Brampton Methodist Church is also on Facebook at Brampton Methodist Church



            Borders Methodist Church in Brampton                     North Cumbria Methodist Circuit               Rev Tokunbo Asogbon 016977 2452


October 2024



Sunday Worship 10:30am (preachers below)


6th. Oct.   Mr. Ian Stewart

13th Oct.   Circuit Service at CMC, Wigton Road.

20th Oct.  Mrs. Wendy Beard

27th Oct.   Mrs. Pat Staley

3rd Nov.     Rev. Colin Harbach CA

     Please join us for coffee in the hall after the morning service.

 Church Facebook page brampton methodist church

Wednesday Prayers 10:30am – a short reflective service for church & community

Coffee afterwards on the first Wednesday of the month

 2nd. Oct.    Rev. Colin Harbach

 9th Oct.    Rev. Gilbert & Mrs Sylvia Hall

16th. Oct.   Deacon Mark Attwood

23rd. Oct.   Mrs. Diana Armstrong

30th Oct.   Mrs Margaret Newrick


Church Notices for October 2024

Church email address:

People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly yo them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it. And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.          Mark 10 v 13 - 16         

Dates for your diary during October

  Tues. 1st. Oct 7.00pm. Borders Church Council at Brampton.

Tuesdays.  Wellspring Ladies House Group    10.00 - 11.00 Every Tuesday during term time. Please see Events page for more details.

Tues 22nd Oct.  10.00am. - 2.00pm.  Planning meeting for the 2025 World Day of Prayer at Langwathby Methodist Church. Linda Johnson is planning to go if anyone would like to join her.

Also reminder of the Brampton Community Larder every Friday 9.30 - 11.30am. Coffee morning, open to all.

Thank you to all who give to the Church in any way, and particularly to those who have set up Standing Orders for their regular giving. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like us to claim Gift Aid this is the best way to make your contribution,  please talk to Linda about doing this. Remember Gift Aid gives us an additional 25% on every donation.

A link to Bible readings and thoughts.


Holy God, you show no favouritism but welcome all into your kingdom - all have a place with you. Your heart is for the poor and those on the margins, you embrace the weak and needy. Your compassion is everlasting and your mercy never fails. We adore you, O God, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Amen.

Any excess fruit you have grown, please donate to Linda’s jam making enterprise! Proceeds go to church funds. Please put in the church freezer and let Linda know.

Bake Sale on 29th made just over £500

In Aid of Hospice at Home

Lord, we confess how complex we find life. We set out with dreams and ideals, and so often, they crash around us. Help us to cope with what is, Lord, and not what we would have it be. Help us especially not to judge others, nor to condemn ourselves too harshly. We confess that we are hard on those who break the rules as we see them, and have sometimes misused your word to make a point, to score a point, to cause pain. Forgive us our human failings, and help us help each other on this journey of life, which takes us to places we would not have chosen.     Amen.